Jarrod Rotolo bio photo

Jarrod Rotolo

Controlling complexity

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About Me

My name is Jarrod Rotolo, and I enjoy programming and pretty much anything there is to do with technology. I love programming because technology is everywhere and with the power of programming you can have a hand in shaping that technology. My love for computers started at a young age. I always like tinkering with the shared family computer and eventually became good at breaking and fixing them. I came to love math and science and figuring problems out, but I have always been a creative and artistic person too. For me programming is the perfect combiniation of the two. Programming is a creative and expressive way to solve problems, and I find it suits me perfectly. Currently, I am finishing out my final year at Louisiana State University in the Computer Science program. My favorite languages to code in are Ruby, Javascript, and Java. I have experience in web development and many modern MVC frameworks, preferably Ruby on Rails. If you need a programmer with passion and drive then contact me, or check out my resume

The tools I use:

  • Text Editor - Vim and Sublime Text 3
  • Terminal Shell - GNU Bash
  • Operating System - Linux (Ubuntu or Arch) and OSX
  • Virtual Environments - Vagrant with VirtualBox
  • Source Control - Git

The languages I like:

  • Ruby
  • Java/C++
  • Javascript